Why I'm a paranoid blogger

The other day I linked up my website shop to Facebook. Well, I tried to link it. Apparently they didn't like some of my products, or my soaps somehow violated some code of conduct. So, they banned half of my products as inappropriate.

And there's nothing I can do about it.

Then one day I sent a message to a friend battling cancer. And they censored my message, deleted it and banned me from messaging her anything again.


Thankfully, I still had her phone number, so I texted her the link with the info. Old school. She was grateful for the info, told me it was a treatment they were considering, and I dismissed it as a weird incident.

A few weeks later, that same treatment ended up in the mainstream news, and multiple friends sent me the links to the breaking story.

And it occurred to me that some of the things we do may be considered controversial.Guilty donkeys

Donkey Milk? We're not exactly main stream over here.

So, although I realize that actually having to click on a link to read my long winded stories on our actual blog is an incredible annoyance and interruption to the continuity of the FB scroll of highlight reels, I'm going to be that annoyance.

Because there's something in me that rebels at the thought of an algorithm or a CEO dictating what I share, and who I share it with.

You all can sign up to get email alerts when we post a new blog at the bottom of this page (on the actual  blog). Or you can obsessively check the blog for posts. Or you can find them here...as long as I play by the unspoken rules of engagement and don't offend anyone in the world of social media.

My husband says I need to be more careful what I say and how I say it. That too much of our business is dependent on this.

He also knows I post at 5 am, and my filter doesn’t go into effect until at least 2 cups of coffee later, oh, and I don’t really care who we offend, if it means we can help more kids get better. Unfortunately, that's exactly the kind of thing that gets loud mouths shut down.

But deep down, I think there are enough of you that would follow us and support us and believe in us...

Even if we one day disappeared from the world of social media without a trace.

For milking donkeys.

For testimonials of kids getting better.

For our beliefs.

For soap that uses ingredients other than tricolsan and hormone disruptors.

For this post. 

But until then, you can follow us on FB and Instagram. And we'll be over here blogging with the rest of the story. 

And maybe one of these days I'll actually print this stuff off. Just in case.

Side rant: how is it possible that truly inappropriate, and downright evil, exists in this space? Child predators, images of depravity, and wickedness that would put Sodom and Gomorrah to shame...all goes unchecked...while my post to my friend about an alternative cancer treatment gets aborted. But, that's a rant for another day.

 For those of you that read to the end...ceramic Dulce mugs are back in stock! And you. my patient, faithful readers just got first dibs. 😘☕️



  • Joyce

    This too shall past. Standing with you in your mission and cause. However, I am always reminded to phrase my words gently, kindly and with consideration for all. Do I always do this? Of course not. God has your work in His hands Saundra. Do not let naysayers disappoint you; stay the course and He will lead you. When You do This, Remember Him.

  • Betty L. Stephenson

    I find it terrible that someone who does so much good is censored in this way. More power to you, and thanksgiving to God who gives you the strength for your work.

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