Jabón de leche de burra Alkanet de lavanda 4.5 oz
Jabón de leche de burra Alkanet de lavanda 4.5 oz
Jabón de leche de burra Alkanet de lavanda 4.5 oz
Jabón de leche de burra Alkanet de lavanda 4.5 oz

Jabón de leche de burra Alkanet de lavanda 4.5 oz

Precio habitual $12.99 Guardar $-12.99

*Nuestro jabón tarda de 4 a 6 semanas en curarse. Si también está comprando un humectante Better than Botox u otro artículo de pedido anticipado y desea que le envíen su jabón lo antes posible, pídalo por separado; de lo contrario, se enviará cuando todo esté listo.

Jabón de Leche de Burra Alkanet Lavanda

Esta barra suave es perfecta para pieles sensibles e irritadas. A menos que seas uno de los desafortunados que son alérgicos a la lavanda, entonces no la recomendaría. Porque, ya sabes, las alergias ocurren. PD. Si eres uno de esos tipos alérgicos, quizás quieras considerar beber leche de burra. Solo digo. La salud intestinal importa.

Ingredientes y sus beneficios

Leche cruda de burra:
Rico en ceramidas, proteínas, fosfolípidos (ácidos grasos), vitaminas, minerales y ácidos grasos omega 3 y 6. Se sabe que la leche de burra hidrata la piel seca, la regenera y reduce las arrugas. Utilizado tradicionalmente para la psoriasis y el eccema. Se dice que Cleopatra se bañaba en leche de burra como parte de su régimen de belleza. Hipócrates lo recomendó para diversas afecciones de la piel y de salud. Nuestra familia descubrió sus beneficios para combatir la enfermedad autoinmune de nuestra hija.

Aceite de Oliva Orgánico:
Rico en vitamina A y E, ayuda a rellenar e hidratar la piel, alivia la piel seca y con picazón.

Aceite de coco virgen orgánico:
La vitamina E que se encuentra en el aceite de coco alivia la psoriasis, el eczema y las quemaduras solares y sus beneficios antivirales y antifúngicos ayudan a tratar las picaduras de insectos. Contiene 3 ácidos grasos conocidos por matar la cándida, una causa común de infecciones cutáneas por hongos.

Aceite esencial de lavandín (lavanda) orgánico
Elaborado a partir de las sumidades floridas de una mezcla de dos especies de lavanda, también conocida como lavanda holandesa, con un aroma más fuerte que la lavanda inglesa.

¡¡¡Guauuuuu!!! ¡¡¡Tenemos reseña!!! ¡Gracias Patty G., eres la que marca tendencia! Únase al club genial. Sé como Patty. Envíanos una reseña.

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Pamela Smith
love it

My skin feels so good using these soaps. thank you

Tracy Towery

Best soap it's the only soap I will buy.


Got it for my child with eczema. Love it

Susan Davi

I received my highly anticipated Better than Botox moisturizer. I have to say I wasn’t expecting to be So very impressed at how my skin looked and felt after the first use, and it smells fantastic too. I guess I’ll have to preorder asap! Also love your story, and wish I was close enough to get the milk too. Thank you for sharing your niche find with us! Doug and Stacy is how I found you guys. I love the careful packaging and personalization and the sample deodorant smells amazing. ✌🏻🙏🏼❤️

Audrey T

I ordered the Lavender, Oat&Honey, and unscented soaps and while it took a minute to get here they were well worth the wait! I LOVE the Lavender the most (because Lavender is one of my favorite scents), but all of the soaps are so moisturizing and amazing. Definitely recommend and definitely buying again when I get close to running low! The owners also sent a sweet little note (thank you <3 ) and a sample of an orange scented soap that I will have to get as well next time. Worth it 100%!

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Pamela Smith
love it

My skin feels so good using these soaps. thank you

Tracy Towery

Best soap it's the only soap I will buy.


Got it for my child with eczema. Love it

Susan Davi

I received my highly anticipated Better than Botox moisturizer. I have to say I wasn’t expecting to be So very impressed at how my skin looked and felt after the first use, and it smells fantastic too. I guess I’ll have to preorder asap! Also love your story, and wish I was close enough to get the milk too. Thank you for sharing your niche find with us! Doug and Stacy is how I found you guys. I love the careful packaging and personalization and the sample deodorant smells amazing. ✌🏻🙏🏼❤️

Audrey T

I ordered the Lavender, Oat&Honey, and unscented soaps and while it took a minute to get here they were well worth the wait! I LOVE the Lavender the most (because Lavender is one of my favorite scents), but all of the soaps are so moisturizing and amazing. Definitely recommend and definitely buying again when I get close to running low! The owners also sent a sweet little note (thank you <3 ) and a sample of an orange scented soap that I will have to get as well next time. Worth it 100%!